Scientific evidence of climatic change depicts several effects. The increase in greenhouse gases and their impacts on the earth’s climate are accelerating global sea level and temperature rise. Climatic change can have severe impacts on Egypt’s Food Security when it affects the country’s water resources, crop water requirements and hence productivity. In order to lessen the consequences of the latter on the country’s food security, several adaptation practices have to be considered. Climate-smart agriculture offers a solution to remediate the ignorance of the impacts of climate change on the different levels of food production in a country.
The joint seminar will explore the effects of climate change and climate smart agriculture from various perspectives; starting from an economy wide perspective of the country’s food security as a whole down to the effects on different regions, particular groups and farming households. More specifically the seminar will discuss the different approaches to assess the impact of climate change on different crops and present various farmer adaptation techniques and strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on the country’s agricultural production.