Inter-Religious Dialogue, The Case of Egypt

15 Jan 2017 Egypt, is a key country in the Middle East and North Africa Region, and a country that has confronted extremists and terrorists before, and is continuing to do so at present. Egypt recognizes fully the necessity of promoting greater social cohesion among its Christian and Muslim citizens, while marginalizing those who are trying to promote violence. The inter-religious dialogue launched by the highest religious authorities in the land, begat the “Bait Al-‘A’ila” (the Family Home) initiative and other approaches. This Session will attempt to discuss the experience of ‘Bait Al-Aila” initiative and other similar approaches Mohamed Kamal Eldin EmamSameh FawzyFarida El-ChoubachyMahmoud Hamdy ZakzoukBishop ErmiaAmna Nosseir
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